Tonight I watched the "Beach Trip" episode of Jon&Kate+8 and was inspired to find out exactly where they went since it looked so much like where my parents own a condo. It turned out to be close but no cigar. This googling session happened to also lead me to a video from Aunt Jodi. After dismissing Aunt Jodi's sister's blog a couple weeks ago as jealous ramblings, I finally took the time to read it through which took me about an hour. The latest entry which includes this video of Jodi verifying the claims her sister has made 'in print', was what changed my mind. I read the posts in chronological order this time which helped me to better understand her tone, rather than just reading the last entry as I did previously. So for those that haven't taken the time to read it here's the summary. Keep in mind this is just my recap of her posts (in case the Gosselins see this little post and get pissed): The production company offered to pay Jodi for