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Parenthood | Sweetness or Manipulation?

So Sunday night (Sept 20), I realized my three year old daughter Penelope is either extremely manipulative or extremely sweet. We were doing bedtime, reading a book and bedtime was over. She was supposed to lay down and go to sleep. I went to get a drink before heading up for the night and as I walk past her room again I see her standing at the foot of her bed in the dark. She calls out "Daddy, daddy! Poopies are coming!". Now I've learned this is a common stall tactic with her.

So I said, "No! Poopies are not coming. Go to sleep". But she insisted and so I threatened, that if she didn't really have to go to the bathroom I was going to take away her favorite bunny, which has become her security blanket.

So she agrees and gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom. So she's sitting there and nothing's coming out. And I'm like "Penelope, I told you what would happen right?" So I give her some more time and then come back.

I open the door and say "Time's up, any poopies?". She says "No.", and hangs her head in shame. She then follows it with one of the most heartwrenching statements yet, "It's okay Daddy, I not cry. I big girl. You can take bunny."

So I think oh no, I'm a terrible father, I can't take her bunny... So I said, "Just because of that, you get to keep your bunny." She gives me a huge grin and says "Oh Daddy! Thank you Daddy! I love you Daddy!" And she gives me a big hug and I pick her up, and she's patting my back and says "Good Daddy! Good Daddy!" like I bought her a new car.

Kids are awesome.


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